Monday, September 26, 2011

A Fridge of Type

 I just went into my fridge and saw how many different fonts are on each individual package.  Its actually pretty amazing how much labeling you have in a fridge.

Junkyard Advertisement

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alphabet Almost Done!

So my alphabet is almost done.  A little more love on a few letters and it will be complete.  Let me know if you think any improvements could be made here in the next day or so, just in case.  Otherwise I'm so close, hopefully done tonight.  Yes I know they aren't all in the right place just yet.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I you haven't every watched it you really should because the documentary Beautiful Losers is so inspiring.  Especially for me considering when I started doing art and drawing was around the time I was still skating and hanging out with my friends, and I knew who these guys were but I didn't know they were on this level of incredible. Here were some of my favorite guys work.

Mike Mills

Shephard Fairey

Geoff McFetridge

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Amazing piece, really creative way of using medium

Current ad trends

Urban outfitters, j crew, American Apparel ads all keep putting models and items on a offset white or grey backdrops.  It seems to be a look that is going across fashion for the last year or so.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Great Design

I think Juxtapoz has some of the most amazing designs for magazine covers

Saturday, September 10, 2011

alphabet possibility

Not all of these are great but they are some I found earlier today, I have more and I know I could do more searching for my cleaver found letters.  I just looked around this salvage yard near my house.  I wanna get more approval if I can move forward with it

Thursday, September 8, 2011